Continue with the series of articles Paul Glavine , international chess master, who our friends are publishing Poker Chess .
One of the meetings for the title of world chess more exciting, was no doubt which was played in 1927 in the Chess Club Argentino in Buenos Aires, between the great Cuban Jose Raul Capablanca and the no less brilliant Russian – French Alexander Alekhine.
Still I am thrilled when I visit the Club Argentino and I see the table where the majority of its disputed Items (Others were held in the city of La Plata, 60km from Buenos Aires). Those who have had the luck to witness such a meeting, which Capablanca wearing a life of playboy during the same.
It was common to see him in places of fashion and glamor of that era, such as the Hippodrome, accompanied by actresses fashionable Buenos Aires. Meanwhile Alekhine to be seen as leading a monastic life, analyze their positions in the hotel, while his wife served him a cup of tea. The book with all the lines with anecdotes and fell into my hands when I just started walking by the reigns of Caisse.
Despite the fact that Alekhine won the event with some clarity, and clearly that his approach to what should be an exemplary athlete was much more than that of Capablanca, which call more attention to my head easily dazzled the child was following story:
Mediators meeting, when Alekhine and dominated on the scoreboard in the game, one of the items was deferred with a clear advantage for Alekhine. The day that the game should be resumed, Alekhine was presented at a crowded Club Argentino well in advance. Counts, who went on board to board, variant refuting that the fans showed him and that counting had filled more than a notebook with analysis of the position.
Check the time that had started to play, Capablanca had not yet emerged. The clock starts and nothing. After a few minutes, Capablanca appeared, it requests the board and an empty room and withdrew during forty minutes! (we assume that it had plenty of time because his watch was in progress) to discuss the position, all under the protests of an Alekhine enraged by the contempt which showed his rival. After this time, Capablanca finally sits in front of his opponent, and playing very quickly, easily able to engage in the game.
The legendary Capablanca a complete its withdrawal from the cheers and fans live and an Alekhine down the stairs of the club reeling, in shock and with the help of several people.
Sorry for my chess career, always, from kid, I felt much more identified with the cicada that with the ant, and in this case clearly Capablanca was my hero.
From the link below the curious reader can learn a little more and see very good pictures on this interesting meeting:
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I do not know if Capablanca did it on purpose or simply had spent all night partying and had not analyzed the game, but achieving unbalance to intimidate and Alekhine.
In a sport so much anger and tension, such as chess, the psychological element is very important. Intimidate the opponent can give us an advantage in the end is crucial.
When Mihail Botvinnik had to compete in an encounter by the world title (and were no less than seven), making ridiculous requests at meetings prior to it. His rival is denied to them, and created a tense climate, which Botvinnik drew the animosity and aggressiveness needed to cope with his opponent. In 1960 the mage from Riga, Mikhail Tal, advised by his coach Alexander Koblenz, which was an excellent chess and psychologist, decided to accept all requests from Botvinnik. This, looking for where they hate their rival, then said to his barber: “The truth that I may not fall ill, but has a very unpleasant man.” That beat its rival and was proclaimed world champion.
The legendary American Bobby Fischer conducted forty-one! petitions before participating in a tournament. In his match against the Soviet Boris Spassky, in Reykjavik in 1972, he returned to the organizers crazy Icelanders. That if the cameras bother you, the pictures of the board measured one centimeter more than he wanted, and so on. And so on. And so on. Of course, in the media only talked about it, and the figure of Spassky was increasingly tiny, until the Soviet team also began to protest, if only for not being less than the rival.
But perhaps the meeting where he reached the climax of psychological tricks, was disputed in Baguio (Philippines), in 1978, between the Soviet Anatoly Karpov and Victor Korchnoi, who had just defected from the Soviet Union shortly before.
A Korchnoi made life impossible for him since he defected. He was prevented from playing tournaments with players Soviets, who at the time were the strongest by far, are not allowed to leave the Soviet Union nor his wife nor his son. But during the meeting things got worse. Karpov’s team took the known parapsychological Vladimir Zoukhar, who do not know whether or not interfered in the brain of Korchnoi (not really believe in parapsychology), but they sat in the front rows of the theater, and gazed fixedly at Korchnoi during the game. This ensured that no one is not allowed to sit in the first five rows, and also hired about Indian gurus belonging to the sect Ananda Marga to counterbalance the powers of Zoukhar. The Grand Master Argentine Oscar Panna, who was in the team of analysts Korchnoi, then it was such that the lack of control, that when they ate spaghetti and were close to those of the sect, they got stiff and lifting.
Joking aside, the fact is that all these issues are vitally important. A high level the smallest details can turn the game in favor of one or the other. Could count on many more stories on this topic. Only the first of five meetings between Garry Kasparov and Karpov would already mentioned to write a book. And we all know what happened in the last duel between Vladimir Kramnik and Veselin Topalov.
There is also a way of destabilizing the opposition, strictly chess. The most common example of this is the surprise at the opening, but talk of it later.
In the second part of this article will talk about bullying at poker, which is much more important than in chess .