What is blackjack ?
Blackjack is one of the games which can be played by one to eight decks. The face value of the card is used to rank the cards. The value of all the cards is 10 points. The value of Ace is either one or eleven. Ace is regarded as the highest point card in the game of the Blackjack along with any other card valued at 10 points. The blackjack is the name given to the entire 10 points card and pays you three to two.
In case the player as well as the dealer has the blackjack, the bet is called a push. The winner would always pay the even money. The benchmark for winning the game is the 21 points; the player has to score greater points than the dealer but dealer but should not cross the benchmark. For the same reason, the game is sometimes to by the name of 21.
Any of the player or the dealer when crosses the 21 points, he is known to be busted and is the indication of his loss of game. In case of the busting of both the player and the dealer, the player is on the losing end as it is where the house advantage comes into the play. On the other hand, if there is a tie between he dealer and the player, the bet is said to be pushed.
The game of the blackjack starts when all the players place their respective bets in front of them on the table where a specific circle is specified. The dealer distributes the cards and keeps two cards with himself. The dealer gives the cards to the players with face up while one of his own cards is face upwards and the other has its face down.
When the dealer possesses a ten and an Ace, he wins the game unless some other player has got the blackjack too. According to the US rules of Blackjack, the dealer first of all checks if he has the blackjack and then collect all the losing bets in case he has it. When the dealer has the Ace as an up card with him, the players are allowed to manage against the blackjack. That is technically called insuring against blackjack.
This principle is similar to that of the insurance where you bet on an unfavorable event to occur. When the dealer shows the Ace while the player is having the blackjack, the dealer is entitled to ask for the even money.
There are different options available to the players in case the dealer does not have the blackjack. He may wither stand, hit, double, split or surrender depending upon the situation. These are the various gestures to specify your position during the game. The basic rules remain the same however; the game is played with slight differences around the globe. This is an interesting game which is popular among all the age groups owing to its easy and understandable moves and strategies.