‘Myths of poker, is it really that important position? “By Raul Mestre
In this article we will discuss one of the worst understood concepts of Texas Hold’em, to . Also we will approach from EducaPoker approach we propose to redefine the real importance of it.
What exactly is the position?
In a poker hand it says that a player has position when last to act .
In Texas Hold’em, the player who has position is the big blind preflop. After the flop, the player who has position on the remainder of the Dealer.
Examples :
A player in first position preflop open and pay the OC. The CO will take place during all betting rounds after the flop .
A player in the SB open and pay the BB. The player in position will postflop .
Why is it important position
The player who speaks last can see what your opponents do before you act. May have more information on the hands of their opponents and therefore can make better decisions.
The position is one of the worst understood theoretical concepts of Poker .
In any text on Poker you will find plenty of tips on how relevant it is to have position and the incredible amount of wonderful things that allows you to play position.
The great importance that many attach to game players position explains many of the stylistic differences between players and the rest EducaPoker. One of our distinctive range we opened more hands in the small blind in the dealer, unlike the rest of the world. In this article you will understand why.
The problem is that most of what you’ll find on the position is wrong or only partially successful. We will explain in detail what you’ll find most items elsewhere on the position.
Classical view of the position
Usually find that the position is for three things:
- More information about the opponent’s hand.
- Check the size of the pot.
- Steal the pot more easily.
In EducaPoker not share this analysis. In this article we will explain why you’ve seen a few times that we justify decisions based on whether or not we switch to
More information about the opponent’s hand
Classic approach
To act after your opponent know what he has done and this gives you a better idea of what your range of hands.
Have a better idea about the opponent’s hand range allows you to make better decisions. If you know what is your rival, it is easier to steal the pot or leave relatively strong hands.
Therefore, you want to play many more hands when you position when you do not, with what you will do cold calls on the Dealer when rivals have often gone, and will open more hands on the Dealer in the small blind. Even with a rival to speak, having justified position to play more hands.
In a boat having position multiplayer does have some value , since it is much more likely that a rival with a good hand bet. Therefore, we obtain information that has true value.
Even in this case, where information is more reliable, not easy to take advantage.
When you have 4 opponents in the hand and they all are less likely to have a strong hand, if we have nothing and want to take the boat, placing the lantern still need to get it right a high percentage of the time, making it less likely to 4 or 5 opponents. And if we have a strong or very strong hands, soon we will serve the information and to protect our hand in a pot multiplayer, betting it will always be a priority.
It is true that we can get some valuable information, to take place in a pot multiplayer. Seize not always be easy.
In the boats against a single opponent, and to a lesser extent the boats against two opponents, things are not so simple. The premise that we get information against a single opponent is less successful .
If we are the preflop aggressor is likely to go through all our opponents hands. Even if the opponent does not happen with every hand and bet sometimes face, his range for betting does not have to be particularly strong, which is not going to do much to define his range when it happens.
When we are the player who took the lead preflop our opponents have not set your rank at all before we have to bet. No word on his hand due to take place.
On the other hand, if we position but we have no initiative, we expect a continuation bet by any decent opponent flops that will help your range.
If the opponent is extremely weak and does not continuation bet if you do not have a strong hand we can exploit, but not by having position. You could accomplish the same position without stealing the pot on the turn. Is the fact that our opponents too conservative to develop a game that gives us information on their range.
When we have no initiative is the style of play of our opponents which provides information that allows us to narrow its range and not the fact that we have position.
Recall that the classical theory is that the position says: “We can play many more hands by having this position and allows us more information about the opponent’s hand and thus make better decisions .”
Against good opponents seek information on whether the opponent has been linked, paying on the flop and waiting to see what happens on the turn, is a very serious error.
What will happen is that the rival (which we have said is a good player) makes a lot of bets on the turn well enough or Check Check-Raise, Call, since we have paid position and knows that We pay a lot of weak hands in the flop, and we give lot of courage to take place.
To defend against this we will need to:
- Bluffing after his bet on the turn, where they are all strong hands (ie, without information on the strength of your hand!)
Abandon all hands that are relatively strong (ie, let’s bluff and we paid preflop and the flop to abandon his second bid that will quite often)
Play tighter preflop range that can lead to Showdown many hands as it goes past the opponent’s range.
None of these three solutions absolute advantage in having position.
Examples :
We 6 5 100bb stack with cash at the Dealer. Open and we pay the big blind. The flop is Q J 5 . Our opponents passes. We have no information on the strength of their hand before betting. Throughout its range can pass on the flop, and have no position helps us know if our family of five is the best hand now .
We 6 5 100bb stack with cash at the Dealer. We apply the classical analysis of the position, CO pay rise, a good player. The flop is Q J
Our opponents, as we have said, is a good player passes (or bet). Do not really know what kind of hand is, as it will go to try to jump on with many strong hands, or pay with average hands, and you can bet bluffing. The position does not help us know how the rival here .
Control the size of the boat
Classic approach
Having position allows us to decide what size boat we want to play, and we will always have the ability to bet when your opponent happens. The final decision on if we give the free card or not always be ours and we find it easier to decide if they get 2 or 3 bets in the pot.
The ability to control the pot size greatly improves the performance of average hands, and we can choose when to play a big pot or not depending on how strong your hand.
Focus EducaPoker
Having position helps control the pot size when accompanied by initiative preflop and when we have the correct SPR, yet with limited .
Check the size of the pot is useful only against a rival boat . In multiplayer protect the hand boats will force us to gamble too many times and also the other players can grow the pot without much we can do about it.
The location alone is not going to help much to control the size of the boat if we consider the SPR. This is relatively clear in some cases but not in others.
With an SPR of less than 4 we ignore the fact of having or not almost completely position in controlling the size of the pot.
Having position can allow no money in one of the three rounds of betting. When all the money can go into the pot with two bets without much difficulty, the benefit we get by skip a bet is void.
This means that when we play with a short stack, having or not position is not going to help control the pot size. If you want to reach the Showdown and the opponent wants metamos all our chips in the pot, no have much problem with our position but avoid hard money in a betting round.
When the SPR is very large, the position also loses much of its effectiveness to control the size of the pot. This happens with MMR more than 10, with room in the pot four or more relatively large bets.
In this case, although we can control fairly easily if the boat come only 2 bets (if the opponent did not we raise on the flop) we have no control over to where the pot will grow if we bet, whether keep it small as we want to grow.
The player who has no position can find a Check-Raise and force us to play a bigger boat than we would when we try to play a hand of three bets, but not four. Therefore,
with hands that would like to bet three times but did not face a raise, having position is not beneficial .
The most beneficial for the player to position control when the pot size is the area with a SPR between 4 and 10.
When we are not the preflop aggressor is more likely that we face on the flop and bets the turn, with the decision in the hands of our opponent to make a third river bet. The position does not allow us to control the pot size too if we have no initiative.
If we are the preflop player with initiative, it is more likely that our opponent’s pass and therefore allow us to happen to us.
Controlling the boat is much easier when we have the initiative pre-flop.
The initiative is more important than the position to control the pot size .
Examples :
We A J at the CO and opened at 2.5 bb with a stack 140bbs effective. We pay the big blind. The flop is A 4 . 8 We bet and we pay. The turn is the 2 . We return to bet the turn and river, but if we jump on our opponent decides to leave or play for all our stack with a very weak hand. Therefore, even with position, we are unable to play the pot size you would like without giving the opponent the ability to control the pot size .
We J 10 at the CO and open. We pay the big blind. The cash is 20bb stack. The flop is K 10 4 . We have no real possibility of controlling the boat because our opponent will bet on two streets and end all our money in the pot .
We A 4 in the D and opened at 2.5 bb. We pay the big blind. The cash is 50bb stack. The flop is A J 2 . Now the position can help to control the size of the boat if we on the flop or turn .
Steal the pot more easily
Classic approach
Since the position we have more information about the hand of our opponent and we can more easily choose the size of the boat we played, we can easily remove from the boat to the weaknesses of our opponent’s hands when it shows weakness.
Focus EducaPoker
When to steal the pot will help us a lot more initiative to . The advantage of preflop initiative, even if our range is very wide, including our hands are strong and therefore the opponent always has to worry that they fit in our range when he connected.
The problem of the position as a tool to steal pots is that it conflicts with controlling the size of the pot. Against weak opponents managed to steal many pots, but we had stolen boats are out of position and initiative in any case, because the rival will leave in excess of a bet on the turn.
Against rivals observers can not control the size of the boat with our hands and pretend to leave half long on the turn when we have a lamp without being quite clear the kind of hand that we have on many occasions.
We have seen that take place is not going to help define
their range of hands.
If you do not have precise information on the strength of your hand, it will be difficult to steal because it .
Example :
The small blind opens a regular aggressive, and we 100bb stack with cash paid in the big blind with 10 8 . The flop is A 7 2 . Our opponent bets .
As much as we like the idea, it is very hard and managed to steal this pot there are very few tricks up our range preflop and many in the player. The position does not change this, and have reraised preflop is not likely to rival us bet again on the turn or pay us with any marginal hand so .
Actual usefulness of the position
We have seen that most of the virtues that are assigned to play with position are exaggerated and, therefore, many adjustments will also be our rivals.
This does not mean you have position on an opponent has no value. We have seen that has some value as a tool to control the size of the pot. This is not the only purpose of the game in position. Let’s see what else can serve:
- Check the size of the pot with initiative and SPR between 4 and 10.
Boats information in multiplayer.
Inducing action with hands that are committed.
This last point is important and is an aspect that rarely speaks to discuss the benefits of playing in position.
The advantage of the position we have when the opponent is very aggressive and have a strong hand . We let the opponent do not throw the pot bluff, but do not want to happen if we passed.
If we have no position, and we bet, we will have to raise on the flop, preventing further bluffing often, or we risk not bet the turn and lose a round of betting.
Taking place we can leave to continue betting on the turn, and will always have the confidence to bet on where the stop betting.
Example :
We K 10 in the D 30bb stack with cash. Open and we pay the bb, an aggressive regular. The flop is K 4 4 . Our rival is it, bet and makes us a minimum increase .
How we can confine ourselves to paying position. We are committed to the pot and this means we will pay all your hands better, so it is important to make the most of his worst hands. We want your lanterns (a substantial part of its range) follow bluffing. No position would be much more difficult to get .
What does really take our game preflop position
Classic approach
Since having position is so useful, we’ll play many more hands in position than out of it. Therefore :
- We will pay with many hands on the Dealer when you open a player in early position and the CO .
- We will open more hands in the D than in the small blind .
- Reraising more outside position. For example, if you open the CO, re-raise more from the D from BB .
- We will pay more re-raise with position elsewhere. The hand is less important than the position .
Note: We stress again that since EducaPoker believe that this approach is very wrong position, but we believe it is important that you know it exists because it will help you to understand much of what you see in the tables.
Focus EducaPoker
Having position has little importance when making a decision preflop, most important being the range of hands of our opponents and our own hand in making the right decision. In summary:
- When playing a hand preflop, or may not have position is irrelevant in most cases.
We will open more hands in the SB than the Dealer, as a rival least talk is a great advantage.
Reuploaded more from the BB from the Dealer, as rivals have less to talk is a great advantage.
Give more importance to the value of the hand and the type of opponent when faced with a reraise than any other factor.
While we have seen that position has some minor advantages are not large enough to affect our game preflop.
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