Chess is a board game for two people. More precisely, is a game of war, belonging to the same family as xiàngqí (Chinese chess) and shogi (Japanese chess). Se cree they all come from Chaturanga, which was practised in India in the sixth century.
It is one of the most popular games in the world. It is considered not only a game, but an art, a science and a mental sport. The latter is very appropriate, since it is played often on a competitive basis. The teaching of chess can be useful as a means of developing the intellect. The chess is played as competitively in both recreational clubs, tournaments on the Internet, against computers, or even by mail (by correspondence chess).
For chess is also known to all trebejos of this game, with or without the board.
Each side has 16 pieces with different capabilities of movement, which move in a board of 8 x 8 square boxes, alternately clear and dark (often black and white), also called escaques. The trebejos of each player at the beginning of the game are a king, a lady or commonly misnamed queen, two bishops, two horses, two towers and eight pawns. The trebejos of the two sides are distinguished by their colors, being traditionally white and black, although frequently used light and dark colors or even two different colors any that do not necessarily have to do with the board. For the trebejos clearer, they are usually set as the white, with darker then the black. To nominate players, is often used also the names white and black, according to the pieces that lead.
The chess is not a game of chance but a rational game. The development of the game is so complex that even the best players (or the most powerful computers available) might consider all contingencies: although only be played on a board with 64 squares and 32 trebejos at the beginning, the number of possibilities can be achieved exceeds the number of atoms in the universe (see Number Shannon).
It is played by turns, and starts playing with white, which gives a small but substantial advantage when they face two players with a high level (it has been observed that the target gets about 55% of the points at stake in front to 45% of black, in databases that collect millions of items). Each player tries to get certain advantages in their position, which often consist of catching the trebejos the contrary (to win material), although the ultimate goal is to mate the enemy king.
The capture of pieces of hand, is effective while decreasing its ability to give us “checkmate” and increases the options we have to give us checkmate. Do not however minimize the importance of material surpass the contrary. There are countless positions, especially when they are little pieces or pawns, in which a single pawn advantage is enough to secure victory with a game best.
On numerous positions heading is empathy (what is known as making tables)
The victory may be obtained by checkmate, abandonment of one player, or with the consumption of the total time of departure by the adversary. In addition, since 2005 the rules of the International Chess Federation provides that if one player you lose your cell phone rings equally his departure. The first player to lose a game like this was the Grand Master Ruslan Ponomariov.
The abandonment loss is more frequent than the loss by checkmate, especially among advanced players and tournaments. The reason is that it is usual found in positions where the mate is imminent or loss of material are so important that the game is inexorably lost against a player sufficiently expert. Therefore, abandonment is considered a sign of respect and on the contrary, however, forcing unnecessary lengthening of the game, until he suffers checkmate, a sign of bad manners.
History of Chess
Main article: History of Chess
Despite its uncertain origins, it is known that he was brought to Spain by the Arabs. The first reference in the West is the Book of the Games, commanded do in the s. XIII by Alfonso X the Wise. The first book of modern chess can be a letter of Francesch Vicent, printed and published in Valencia in the late fifteenth century with the title Llibre dels jochs Partits dels schacs on behalf of 100. It shows first games with a lady with movements similar to those that have this piece today. The lady was going to replace in this new game piece to a much weaker, called alferza, which until then was that stood beside the king. This substitution, which gives much more power to each side, made the new game and win in spectacular gradually be eliminated with the chess alferza. Therefore, we can actually consider that the introduction of modern lady of the movement is what gives rise to chess as we understand it today. From Spain, chess modern, lady, was taken to Italy, France and other countries.
What is needed to play
To play, we must count on the chessboard and trebejos; although two people who know the positions of memory, can play (the blind) simply saying movements. They must also know the rules of the game. Alternatively, you can use a chess clock, which is essential in the competitions.
The chessboard
Image: Chess zhor 26.png
Image: chess zver 26.png a8 b8 c8 d8 e8 f8 g8 h8 Image: chess zver 26.png
a7 b7 c7 D7 e7 f7 g7 h7
a6 b6 c6 d6 e6 f6 g6 h6
a5 b5 c5 d5 e5 f5 g5 h5
a4 b4 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 h4
a3 b3 c3 d3 e3 f3 g3 h3
a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2
A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1 H1
Image: Chess zhor 26.png
Board of chess pieces with no names of their rows and columns.
The chessboard is a square divided into 64 squares or escaques equal (8 × 8), also square, alternately light-colored and dark. Each player is seated facing the chess opponent, placing the board so that each player has a white box in his right corner.
The basic elements of the board are:
* Rank. It is becoming one of eight lines of eight boxes that are formed by aligning them horizontally respect to the players. It is named with numbers from 1 to 8 starting from the front row over the side of the white pieces.
* Column. It is becoming one of eight lines of eight boxes that are formed by aligning them vertically with respect to the players. It was named by lowercase letters of aa h starting from the first column over the left side of the white pieces.
* Diagonal. It is becoming one of the 26 lines that are formed by combining the boxes diagonally. The two major diagonals have eight boxes.
* Center. The center of the board are the four central escaques. By extension, sometimes includes 12 surrounding those four.
* Corners. Each of the four boxes located at the corners of the board.
* Edges. The two columns and rows located beside the letters and numbers notation.
A board can have the numbers and letters identifying the rows, columns and rows, in order to register the development of heading through the algebraic notation, which is the official notation. Often in the world of chess using this system so they can reproduce and discuss games. It should however be on record that many authors and scholars have used or prefer to continue using the so-called Notation Descriptive, which also is spoken here in the Summary of the rules of notation ajedrecística “bottom lines.
The pieces
Each player has 16 pieces, called all of them, so generic, trebejos.
To differentiate them, a player of color are clear and are called “white” and the other is dark, and are called “black”.
The trebejos are 6 different types, and each player has eight pawns, two towers (also known formerly roques-Roche: ‘roca’-towers, which derives from the word’ castling ‘), two horses, two bishops, a lady (also called “queen”) and a king.
The trebejos can be in many different shapes and sizes, but tend to use a standard called Staunton, who designed and patented the English champion Howard Staunton of the last century and who are in the adjacent figure. In tournaments, is convenient to use trebejos model Staunton.
The word piece, it can take three meanings, depending on the context:
* You may refer to all parts physical (in this sense, it is preferable to use the term trebejos, not to cause confusion).
* You can only reference to the queen, rook, bishop, knight, and perhaps also the king.
* You can refer only to a minor piece (bishop or horse). [1] [2]
Interestingly, the origin of trebejos, and what they symbolize (see Symbolism of trebejos).
When you start playing in friendly games, was sortea the color of the pieces that each player will, as the white begin to play and, therefore, carried the lead of the game and have a slight advantage. If the same players make more items, ranging alternating color with which each plays. In games played in a tournament to use the color for each person is decided by arbitrators, following strict rules involving alternating colors in successive rounds.
The chess clock (optional in friendly games)
The chess clock consists of a dual timer which measures how long each player takes to think their moves. The idea is to allow dual clock when a player is thinking is to be reckoned his time and, when you move, your clock stops and starts of the adversary.
Russian chess clock
Russian chess clock
In friendly games, the pace of the game is usually informally agreed by the players, who can decide whether to use a clock or not. But in tournaments, the time available for each player thinks a certain number of games played is allocated for organizing the tournament and controlled by the referees, so that the clock is imperative. If the player is unable to perform the assigned number of games played at that time and has not mate, drowned or agreed tables somehow legal, automatically loses the game. This will prevent a player thinks too much a problem peculiar to the period prior to the introduction of the clock (tournaments of the nineteenth century).
Nomenclature on the chess clock:
* To be known as bullet Item: All items lasting less than a game of chess blitz.
* To be known as Item blitz: All consignments of 5 / 0 minutes or 3 / 2 seconds.
* To be known as rapid or semirrápida Item: All those lasting from 15 minutes to 40 / 5.
* To be known as slow Item: All those lasting more than a semirrápida.
Needless to say, the items have no clock without a specific name.
Summary of the rules of the game
Image: Chess zhor 26.png
Image: chess zver 26.png a8 rd b8 na c8 bd d8 qd e8 kd f8 bd g8 na h8 rd Image: chess zver 26.png
a7 pd b7 pd c7 pd D7 pd e7 pd f7 pd g7 pd h7 pd
a6 b6 c6 d6 e6 f6 g6 h6
a5 b5 c5 d5 e5 f5 g5 h5
a4 b4 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 h4
a3 b3 c3 d3 e3 f3 g3 h3
a2 pl b2 pl c2 pl d2 pl e2 pl f2 pl g2 pl h2 pl
a1 rl b1 nl c1 bl d1 ql e1 kl f1 bl g1 nl h1 rl
Image: Chess zhor 26.png
Start position of trebejos.
Drawings graphics and letters used to specify the chess pieces when it comes to describing the development of a game show or a position
Drawings graphics and letters used to specify the chess pieces when it comes to describing the development of a game show or a position
Main article: Regulation of chess
When the game starts, a player controls 16 white pieces and another player controls 16 black pieces. The color of each player can be chosen by mutual agreement, by chance or by the director of the tournament. The chessboard is placed in such a way that both players have a white box in the box to the right corner respectively. The trebejos are placed in the way they are shown in the diagram adjacent. The towers, horses and bishops closest often called the king of king (example: Tower king) and the most remote, closer to the lady called for lady (example: bishop of lady). Also, the side where they are at home both kings are often called flank of the king and queen from another flank.
In the traditional chess, trebejos always placed in the manner described. There are alternatives (rare in practice) where the situation of trebejos in the first row may vary (Fischer Random Chess).
Players move in shifts. At every turn, a player can only move a piece (with the sole exception of a special move called castling). The player who plays with the white pieces is always moving first.
Each type of piece moves in a different way, and thus is preserved throughout the game.
(See more on Rules of chess: Movement of pieces)
1. The pieces can not jump, in his movement, one above the other (except for the horse, which can jump over other chips, moving in “L”), and the tower, in castling.
2. One piece itself, can not replace another one of ours in the same box.
3. The trebejos can not occupy a square occupied by a piece of the same player, but one from the other hand, precisely to capture (or “eat”). So our focus this piece box (except “to eat step”
4. The piece “meal” was removed from the game.
Unlike the other pieces, the king can not be captured. A player can however threaten the king contrary, what is known as Checkmate or threaten so that there is no possible defense, which is called checkmate, a situation that automatically decides the game, making the win that puts at risk the King enemy.
When a player moves his king can not be placed in a box that holds in check.
It is therefore obvious that the king in chess is essentially a piece different from the rest and are the rules concerning their movements and catches which gives the game its peculiar idiosyncrasies and much of its attractiveness. Since the checkmate decides the game, chess is not simply, like many other games, capturing all the trebejos contrary. By contrast, many trebejos themselves might gifts ( “sacrifice” as the technical term) if in this way can be contrary to the king mate.
A game of chess need not always end in checkmate. The game will end if attending one of these circumstances:
(See more on Rules of chess: The end of the game)
* Checkmate.
* Abandonment or surrender.
* Loss on time.
* Tables or tie.
In tournaments, and effect of computing performance, is awarded to the winner of a game one point, half a point to each player who has made tables, and the loser zero points a game.
Summary of rules notation ajedrecística
There are several systems notation of chess games, which aims to register items with documentary purposes. The algebraic system is used and recommended by the FID. There are also other methods, such as the Forsyth-Edwards (to record the initial positions of partial games), or descriptive notation (now obsolete).
Name for each box as the algebraic notation. The white king is in box e1 at the beginning of the game
Name for each box as the algebraic notation. The white king is in box e1 at the beginning of the game
The abbreviations are essential:
* P – Peon (only for descriptive notation, in algebraic movements pawn listed simply with the box where the pawn moves)
* T – Tower / Roque-Roche in French
* C – Horse
* A – Bishop
* D – Lady (Queen)
* R – King
* 0-0 – short castling
* 0-0-0 – long castling
* X – Capture
* + – Jaque
* # + + Or – Checkmate
Some symbols are used to discuss items:
*! — Good move
*! — Hand bright (very good)
*? — Bad move
*? — Very bad move
*? — Jugada interesting
*?! — Hand doubtful
* ± – Advantage Blanca
* + / = ± – Slight advantage white
* + – – Advantage winning white
* – / + (Or inverted figure ±) – Advantage black
* = / + (Or inverted figure ±) – Slight advantage black
* – + – Advantage winning black
* ∞ – Position uncertain
In the algebraic notation, a movement is indicated by the name of the piece moved over to the box that moves this piece. If you move a pawn, as already indicated, is written only box. If there are ambiguities because two equal parts may occupy a box, you must specify which one, indicating the row or column heading or even the box of departure. It indicates x to catch.
* Advancing a pawn to d4: d4
* The king a7 capture in a tower opposite in b8: Rxb8
* The Lady in b2 moves to b7 and gives checkmate: DB7 + +
* There are horses on c3 and e3 that can be moved to d5, and makes the horse c3: Ccd5.
* A simple example notation of a game would be as follows (numbers indicate correlative of what is played):
1. e4 e5
2. AC4 Cc6
3. DH5?! Cf6? (you can avoid mate with 3 … g6, 3 … 3 … Qe7 or Df6)
4. Dxf7 #
This is the mate known as “shepherd”.
Stages of the game
Main article: Phases of the chess game
In the game of chess is usually considered three stages:
* The opening, which includes the first game, where the pieces come out of their original boxes.
* The average game, when the two sides still have many pieces and pawns, and these fall into intense conflict.
* The end, where few remaining pieces and pawns.
Each phase of the game requires the player tactical and strategic approaches totally different. This greatly increases the complexity of the game. You could say that chess is many games in one: for example the opening play well and end requires entirely different skills and it is not uncommon to find very strong players on a stage and considerably weaker in another. These considerations are detailed much more precisely in section Phases of the game of chess.
Tactics and strategy ajedrecísticas
Normally a game of chess is won either by checkmate, either because they know that the contrary will inexorably receive checkmate, and therefore leaves.
However, winning a game often does not attempt to mate the enemy king. Among players strong enough in many cases with small considerations invaluable for an amateur to be sure of victory. Winning positions are considered those in which it can be shown that one side wins with perfect game. Many of these positions are far from mate. A very simple example would be: if we remove the lady (or any other piece) of one of the players before the game, it is certain that perfect game with the side that has the extra piece is winning position. Bringing the game until checkmate, however, may require dozens of hands.
Therefore, we conclude that the goal of a player, long before mating, is to achieve a winning position. This can be achieved in many ways. The most frequently fall into a few classes, characterized by the kind of advantage held by the strong side:
* Winning material without compensation (long the most common)
* To pursue a direct attack against the king
* Achieving substantial positional advantages as the destruction of coordinating the pawns or pieces enemies, weakening the position of king Otherwise, leave the contrary pieces with very limited mobility, and so on. These advantages must be converted later into one of the two previous advantages.
Among novice players, the advantages arise spontaneously by serious errors, such as placing a trebejo in a box where you can be caught, or the king to take a position easily attackable. But among more advanced players, the benefits can only be achieved in a much more subtle. The procedures have been developed to achieve ido advantage have been encompassed in two main types: procedures tactical and strategic procedures.
Therefore, every player knows that not advanced enough to know the basics of the game (board, and trebejos rules), but it is necessary to know and correctly apply the tactics and strategies ajedrecísticas.
Value on the trebejos
Before going into the detail of the tactics and strategy ajedrecísticas, should understand the value of each of the trebejos. The potential of a player depends on the principle of respect of equipment, parts and pawns, which owns, and which has its opposite. In general, have more material is an important advantage. But the question that arises then is how much a pawn advantage of having more? Or does it have a tower against a bishop? Etc.. It is therefore for all practical purposes of calculating what catches or exchanges are convenient, have the potential extent of each piece.
The chess is so complex that there is no way of knowing precisely how much each piece is worth. In exceptional cases, a pawn can be more than a lady and it is not unusual to find situations where trebejos less valuable outperform the most powerful.
However, in practice, are often used simple criteria for evaluating the pieces that apply to “normal cases”, ie most circumstances that may be in a game. In this sense, the value of each piece is related to their mobility, and therefore, its ability to attack the pieces and pawns of hand or defend themselves. In fact, this is one of the main reasons that assess a piece becomes very complicated: the values fluctuate depending on their position on the board, ability to combine its stake with that of other parts, etc.. For example, it is obvious that a piece will be much stronger the more you have mobility, meaning that, in most cases, will be stronger toward the center of the board at the periphery, stronger if you have rows (tower) or diagonal (bishop) open to use, etc.. All these factors must be weighed to obtain a realistic assessment of the strength of each piece. An accurate discussion of these points is found in Article relative value of the chess pieces.
The tactic
Main article: Tactics (chess)
The term tactic ajedrecística, the set of procedures, usually involving one or a few moves, for which a player tries to run on the board a simple idea. The objective of a tactical manoeuvre is to get some kind of advantage, among which the most characteristic is material gain.
The white lady is nailed by the black lady
The white lady is nailed by the black lady
By the way moving parts, tactical maneuvers characteristics emerge. For example, the horse is capable of attacking two spaces away from each other and no matter which has many pieces around. That favors the piece that can make frequent attacks doubles (also called forks). As its name suggests, a double attack is one in which they are attacked while two pieces, so that one will necessarily be caught. Another example is the maneuver known as nailed where attacks by a certain piece or diagonal row and that it can not withdraw ( “is nailed”), because if it does, more valuable than another piece after piece is attacked in that row or diagonal would be threatened. There is also a diversion, in which a piece is forced to leave his place, which exercised a defensive task. There are many other similar typical maneuvers, which occur very frequently and with which all players become familiar soon. Some of the maneuvers most important features are detailed in the article on tactics.
A particular type of tactical manoeuvre is known as combination where one side, often sacrificing material, to force another to perform a series of moves on pain of losing the game. The goal is to get a combination in exchange for material sacrificed most important benefits, such as checkmate or recover more than the material later. Some combinations require a high degree of originality and imagination, so they’re one of the most spectacular aspects of chess. That is why some players, most notably former world champion Mikhail Tal, have become famous mainly for his ability to make extremely complicated and unexpected combinations.
The strategy
Main article: Strategy (Chess)
It is known as a strategy to ajedrecística set of plans being made by a player in a game in the medium or long term. Strategic decisions can influence the future of a game played for many, or even in its entirety.
A typical example is the strategic decision to remove pieces in order to reach a final departure. This can be advantageous on several occasions. For example, if one takes advantage material, that advantage is often easier to exploit the less pieces there. On the other hand, if the opposite is the lead or even a strong attack, spare change can also contribute to this initiative or attack dissipate. The strategic decision of far-reaching change parts I should then be implemented through concrete, tactical.
At ajedrecística strategy are often define two different types of elements. On the one hand, there are static elements that influence the game for long periods of time. On the other hand, there are the dynamic elements, which influence over a shorter period. Often, strategic decisions are to choose which among all elements is the most important. For example, it is often possible to the principle of openness achieve capturing a pawn in exchange for a considerable delay in developing the pieces. The question is when the advantage static posed by having more material will be offset by the advantage conferred by the dynamics have a better development. This comparison between the two advantages which will be a player or risk it not to perform the maneuver capture.
They are typical static advantages:
* Have more material
* Better structure pawns
* Controlling more space, especially in the center of the board
* Better position of king
* Spare parts constrained by moving pawns against fixed
* Young of bishops against bishop and knight or two horses
While dynamics are typical advantages:
* Best development, at the opening
* Time Gain
* Have the initiative or to initiate an attack
* Spare better coordinated
A key concept within the strategy ajedrecística is formulating a game plan where the player establishes what you want to obtain a position. It is in implementing the game plan, namely the passage of the overall strategic ideas to the implementation tactic, where the conflict arises between the two players.
A strategic decisions are also called positional decisions, and the game that develops without obvious tactical reasons, so slow and gradual, he often called positional game. Players are often also described as positional or tactical, depending on your point stronger.
The relationship between tactics and strategy
For some advanced players, the game is simply a succession of episodes tactical, often unrelated. The games seem to win or lose almost by chance, for example to “make a bad move” that loses material. As you advance in the game, however, players assume control such that the most serious errors are disappearing. Since then, the game often defined in favour of whom has a better understanding of how to play a certain position, a more strategic understanding.
Generally speaking, the tactic is the most important thing to be a strong player, since the calculation of specific variants without excessive errors is essential in order to play at a high level. However, the vast majority of chess positions are so complicated that simple calculation is not sufficient to orient and therefore, should be used on many occasions to evaluate the options available through a global vision of how to develop the game in the medium – long term. Normally a player who is very strong and strategically weaker Tatice with frecuncia used his intuition in their decisions. Los jugadores muy avanzados son capaces de desarrollar una intución ajedrecística que les permite descartar rápidamente las jugadas erróneas sin apenas calcular.
Therefore, a great player is one who obtains a good balance between tactics and strategy. Still, every player has strengths and weaknesses. Even among the world champions can be identified some who had primarily a acertadísima original vision and positional (Jose Raul Capablanca, Mikhail Botvinnik, Tigran Petrosian, Anatoly Karpov) and stressed that above all for his extraordinary ability tactic (Emanuel Lasker, Alexander Alekhine, Mikhail Tal).
Classification of players according to their strength
The strength of chess players ranging from those who barely know how to move the pieces and they are capable of playing games essentially without mistakes and with a depth of ideas astonishing. For advanced players, have established a series of classifications that are based in part on whether a player is able to obtain a minimum number of results in some tournaments, players against a predetermined level, and partly, and increasingly common, in its strength assessed in accordance with all their results and summarized in the Elo rating.
And computer chess
The use of systematic searches for designing computer chess programs began with the work of Claude Shannon. However, we could cite as a precursor to Spanish engineer Leonardo Torres Quevedo to design an automatic finite state capable of playing late king and tower. The world champion Mikhail Botvinnik also participated in designs chess programs. However, it was not until 70 and 80 years of the twentieth century, when advances in computing capacity and improving programs led to a great improvement in the game of computers. Soon, they began to win even great masters in rapid games and then in ordinary tournament. This development led to the defeat of world champion Garry Kasparov by the IBM supercomputer Deep Blue in 1997, with the score 3.5 – 2.5. More recently, in November 2006, the program Deep Fritz, running just on a personal computer with Intel Core 2 Duo also managed to beat the then world champion Vladimir Kramnik by the score of 4 to 2. Today, it is assumed that the best programs, implemented in parallel on a computer with multiple processors, are considerably stronger than the best old masters.
Modalities special game
There are many variants of chess, obtained changing:
* The number of players: several players at once, players alternate …
* The initial positions of the pieces: random positions as the modality Fischer
* Rules, such as Marseilles with two chess moves per shift, or Antichess, whose goal is to be the first to lose all trebejos.
* The board: Alicia double chess board, chess Hex Hex blackboard with Glinski, etc..
* The method of play: chess to the blind without seeing the blackboard, postal chess, etc..
Ajedrecistas psychological profile of the
At present there is an important psychological research of chess. One of the best established is that although chess is widely considered the best example of intellectual activity between games, there is little concrete evidence between cognitive abilities and expertise in chess. Although there is a weak correlation between intelligence and expertise in chess among children who are learning, that correlation does not exist when we feel great masters or highly talented children to chess. [3] The factor that explains the better performance is the number of ajedrecístico Hours of practice. Some studies suggest that the great masters are able to store between 10 thousand and 100 thousand “snippets” [4] or board positions ajedrecísticamente relevant, although computer simulations estimated that number at 300 thousand. [5] [6]
Another aspect is the least studied aspects of the personality of ajedrecistas. A study comparing 219 children who played chess with more than 50 did not, whose personality traits were classified according to the personality test of the Big Five (Or: opening to new experiences, C: Responsibility, E: Extraversion A: Amabilidad, N: Neurotic) suggested that children with high score on factors O and E were more likely to be chess players. Boys who scored highest on the factor A, are less interested in the game. That might explain why girls generally scored higher in the factor A are generally less interested in the game. However, studies have not detected any correlation between personality traits and skills ajedrecística a player.
The chess in the movies
Chess Fever (Shakhmatnaya Goryachka, 1925) is a short silent film in which the obsession with chess player of the causes serious problems. Most notable of the film is perhaps the emergence of the then world champion, Jose Raul Capablanca, in addition to other great masters of the time.
Another film that has as its main theme chess is Searching for Bobby Fischer (Searching for Bobby Fischer, 1993). It tells the beginnings ajedrecísticos in childhood of American International Master Josh Waitzkin. The pressure of high competition, chess understanding by society and the entire world of this game can be admired in this production. Despite its name, the film is not about the world chess champion Bobby Fischer, although it was seen in some news footage taken from the years 60-70.
The play entitled The Luzhin Defence (2000) is a Russian grand master chess to what it has absorbed so that when you’re about to win the game of his life, what you get is finding love and death.
Other films in which appears chess are:
* Long live the queen (Lang mild Koningin, Dutch, 1995), a fairy tale based on chess, in which a child learns to play conversing with the pieces.
* The perfect game (La partie d’échecs, 1994) shows a Howard Staunton vile traitor and being defeated by a monstrous and young genius.
* In the film Dadaist Entreacto (Entr’Acte) from 1924, directed by René Clair and Francis Picabia, one can see Marcel Duchamp (virtuoso player) and Man Ray lively playing chess on the roof of a building in Paris. Suddenly it appears the image of a street packed with cars in the middle of the board, to which players are surprised to see after the fall of a jet of water on the same board.
* Casablanca, in which Humphrey Bogart appears seated before a chessboard moving parts but no opponent.
* Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, where he made a game with magical pieces large. In another scene Harry and Ron to play chess in the magical Hogwarts House Common Room under the watchful eye of Hermione. Following are typical items including elsewhere in the saga, as in Order of the Phoenix.
* Check the murderer (Knight Moves, 1993). Christopher Lambert, during a world championship, must play against a murderer to avoid more deaths and stop being suspected of committing.
* The Seventh Seal, filmed in 1956 by the Swedish director Ingmar Bergman and considered one of the masterpieces of cinema. In it, a knight challenges Death to a game of chess, while looking for answers to key questions of life.
* The Flanders Panel, based on the novel by Arturo Perez-Reverte, whose argument se basa en la inscription hidden in a box in which two characters to play chess.
* The Game Arcibel, where the protagonist is a chess game and that thanks to his own personality traits achieves live fully in jail.
* X-Men, where Magneto, played by Sir Ian McKellen ¨, is imprisoned in a prison glass, including a chessboard with trebejos glass.
* X-Men: The Final Battle, in this movie, ultimately, also appears Magneto trying to play a game of chess in the park, culminating with making a slight movement in the piece notes.
To see an extensive inventory of movies where chess has figured in one way or another, you can visit [2].
* Blade Runner, Tyrell and JF Sebastian maintain a distance departure for months.
* Death Note: The Last Name Yagami Light enters the barracks of investigations, where L is playing chess against himself.
* 2001: Odiesea of esacioFrank Poole (One of the crew of discovery) plays a game against supercomputer HAL 9000