There was a time when I was playing chess behind a real chess board. I still do that, but there is something very wrong with me. I let PlayChess convince me that this chess site washes whiter than white. As the fool I was I took a peek inside, and now I’m trapped. I’m doomed. I want to get out, but I can’t. Professional help failed.Playing chess for money is a quite controversial issue, especially in advanced chess and correspondence chess, where chess programs and more particularly chess engines (Rybka, Deep Fritz, Junior, Shredder, Hiarcs…) are used without moderation at any level. Why to play chess for money ? .. Probably for the same reasons players like casino games (Poker, Blackjack, Roulette…), without that chancy factor. The psych I visited needed to study PlayChess to understand my disorder better, but after his first login his secretary cancelled all my appointments, as now he himself is in a straightjacket, trying to get rid of his PlayChess .The fact is, Thomas has been doing PlayChess all on his own as a “labour of love”. And by now I believe you share my views that this is one hell of an excellent chess site. Easy to use, easy to learn, and you get to play with all sorts of people from the quiet and polite ones to the queer and wacky ones, with the usual sprinkles of loud-mouths.Love or money ? Chess for cash or chess for love ?
Tournaments are something this site does better than all the rest. Currently, the Internet Chess Club holds over 750 tournaments every week for members! There are dozens of regularly-scheduled events, and hundreds of impromptu tournaments all day long for bullet, blitz, standard, and wild variations. In other words you can find a tournament of any type all day long. You can even discover new variations of the game of chess with the wide variety of “wild” variations available.
You can try to play chess for money and try to earn money using your skill.Why not ?
Read more chess for cash review – play chess for money. or at bumeral review play chess for cash.